Saturday, May 5, 2012



I know we are all glad to see the warmer weather finally here and the flowers and trees blooming.  We in the League are looking forward to a break from our normal routine of so many meetings.  Many of you will be leaving this hot climate for cooler areas of the country, but we hope not until after the NV State Council to be held at the Tuscany Suites, 225 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV on Saturday, June 23, 2012 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  There will be a meet and greet on Friday, June 22nd either at the Tuscany Hotel or at a site to be announced later.  If you plan to stay at the Tuscany Suites Friday, June 22nd, the room block code is 12k8qh; please explain you are with the LWVNV.  We hope to see you there; this is where you learn about how the LWVNV operates.

Rosemary Gary, President
League of Women Voters of Nevada

Friday, February 3, 2012

February, 2012

In a recent conference call with our National office I was reminded how important this election year will be and in particular seeing that as many potential voters are registered. Let’s make it our first priority as the “League of Women Voters” to do just that.

We are also reminded that the League should be the leader in communities when candidate forums or debates are held due to the long standing reputation of the League. We often step back and let others take the forefront when we should be the leaders.

Also, National spoke of how people do not take kindly to our describing ourselves as being a “nonpartisan political organization”. The more acceptable description is: “We neither support nor oppose any political candidates”. I know this is a longer phrase and we usually followed the former with the latter, but if we could remember to not even utter the former, we would be more favorably received—as National has been told.

Respectfully submitted,
Rosemary Gary,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January, 2012

As we are entering a new year, we once again all need to be reminded how important our attendance is at meetings. In order to conduct business, a quorum must be met and in the case of our local league, that quorum is one more than half of the total membership. With leagues that have attained more members and wish to conduct any business at the regular membership meetings, this is not so serious an issue as with leagues who have not reached a significant number of members.

This is your league and if you wish to have a voice, you should come to the meetings. In addition, there are very interesting programs being presented. Your Board of Directors has been working very hard to see that you have the best they have to offer.

Rosemary Gary, President
League of Women Voters of Nevada