Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

We talk about the League’s focus issues the four E’s (Education, Environment, Elections, Economy) plus Health. Friday, October 14, 2011, Annalee Camp, League of Women Voters of Nevada Second Vice-President and Legislative Chairperson and I were part of a teleconference call with all other state presidents and legislative chair people. The purpose of this call was to bring the states up to date on the status of the priorities set earlier this year by the League national board which include Clean Air Defense, Health Care Defense, Money in Elections (campaign finance reform) and Voter Registration and Election Administration.

1. Clean Air Defense – Since the 1970s the League has advocated for strong public health and environmental protections. In that time there have been significant reductions in pollutants like mercury and carbon.
In the face of great success Congress has proposed the weakening of the clean Air Act and the federal agencies that implement the law.

2. Health Care Defense – The League believes that quality, affordable health care should be available to all U.S. residents. Other U.S. health care policy goals should include the equitable distribution of services, efficient and economical delivery of care, advancement of medical research and technology, and a reasonable total national expenditure level for health care.

3. Money in Elections – Fair and clean elections, determined by the votes of American citizens, should be at the center of our democracy.

4. Voter Registration and Election Administration – For decades the League of Women Voters has been known for its election protection work at the local, state and federal level. The League of Women Voters has a long history of support for the Voting Rights Act.
The Department of Justice is showing more interest in violations of the Voting Rights Act.
The Internal Revenue Service is also looking with regard at 501 © (3) & (4) election activities.

Rosemary Gary, President