Thursday, July 14, 2011

State President's Message


First of all, I wish to thank all of you for electing me as your President for the next two years. I will do my best to fill the shoes of Sam King so she can concentrate on only being our lobbyist. She certainly will be a hard act to follow as State President. Please be patient with me as I learn the ropes.
In Sam’s recent message to us, she left us know that the June 17, 2011 was the deadline for the Governor to decide whether he would sign or veto the myriad of bills on his desk; what an awesome task. In all honesty, I don’t know how the legislature expects to wade through all the business of the State of Nevada in a mere forty-five days. I printed out sixty-six pages of bills the Governor signed and was just stunned. Would you not think they would deem it necessary to meet each year?
The League of Women Voters of Nevada focused our concerns within our Four E’s:
1) Elections
2) Education
3) Economy
4) Environment
5) Social Quality of Life Issues including Health Care
Now, let’s see how the legislature faired out with regard to our legislative platform. AB81 and 82 (Elections) supporting campaign finance reform and transparency both passed. AB579 (Education) providing funding for K-12 passed. AB561 (Economy) extended sunset taxes due to expire. AB6 (Social Quality of Life) protecting victims of human trafficking passed. AB211 and SB331 regarding gender equality passed.
My next message will focus on the League of women Voters of the United States legislative priorities.
Rosemary Gary, President
League of Women Voters of Nevada