Thursday, December 1, 2011

State President's Message

November 30, 2011
As we move forward from the Redistricting mode, let us hope that those that govern us keep our
interests in mind as they pass legislation that affects us and know we will be watching come election
For anyone interested in running for public office, the Nevada Rural Electric Association will be providing
a non-partisan Campaign Training event open to all who might be interested. This event is a full-day
event for candidates, staff and others who are interested to encourage the average citizen to get
involved in the democratic process. The training in Las Vegas will be held February 23 at the Hampton
Inn. This may be your chance to get involved.
Warm holiday wishes,
Rosemary Gary, President

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

We talk about the League’s focus issues the four E’s (Education, Environment, Elections, Economy) plus Health. Friday, October 14, 2011, Annalee Camp, League of Women Voters of Nevada Second Vice-President and Legislative Chairperson and I were part of a teleconference call with all other state presidents and legislative chair people. The purpose of this call was to bring the states up to date on the status of the priorities set earlier this year by the League national board which include Clean Air Defense, Health Care Defense, Money in Elections (campaign finance reform) and Voter Registration and Election Administration.

1. Clean Air Defense – Since the 1970s the League has advocated for strong public health and environmental protections. In that time there have been significant reductions in pollutants like mercury and carbon.
In the face of great success Congress has proposed the weakening of the clean Air Act and the federal agencies that implement the law.

2. Health Care Defense – The League believes that quality, affordable health care should be available to all U.S. residents. Other U.S. health care policy goals should include the equitable distribution of services, efficient and economical delivery of care, advancement of medical research and technology, and a reasonable total national expenditure level for health care.

3. Money in Elections – Fair and clean elections, determined by the votes of American citizens, should be at the center of our democracy.

4. Voter Registration and Election Administration – For decades the League of Women Voters has been known for its election protection work at the local, state and federal level. The League of Women Voters has a long history of support for the Voting Rights Act.
The Department of Justice is showing more interest in violations of the Voting Rights Act.
The Internal Revenue Service is also looking with regard at 501 © (3) & (4) election activities.

Rosemary Gary, President

Friday, September 30, 2011

Start of a New League Near

Our Leagues are now starting into their very busy times and members need to be reminded that Leagues need each and every one of us working to make a League successful. Any small thing you can do helps. Perhaps you can only stuff envelopes or put stickers inside booklets, but that helps the cause. If you are a member of a committee and a meeting is called, please try to be at that meeting to support what the committee is trying to achieve. I know your Presidents try very hard to make your meetings interesting and your committees have great things planned for the months ahead.

Rosemary Gary, President

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am so excited that we will have a face-to-face State Board meeting with all of our Leagues represented in Tonopah, NV on October 1, 2011. This meeting will convene at 1:00 pm to allow for travel time and will be held at the Tonopah Convention Center, 301 W. Brougher Avenue. All League members are welcome to attend, but only State Board members can vote. It would be wonderful if more interested League members attended this meeting to see how League business is conducted.

Rosemary Gary, President
League of Women Voters of Nevada

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011


Here are just a few of The League of Women Voters of the United States legislative priorities:
1) Voting Rights
a) Citizen’s Right to Vote – Protect the right of all citizens to vote; encourage all citizens to vote.
b) DC Self-Government and Full Voting Representation – Secure for the citizens of the District of Columbia the rights of self-government and full voting representation in both houses of Congress.

2) Election Process
a) Redistricting as mandated by Congress once every ten years.
b) Campaign Finance – Improve methods of financing political campaigns in order to ensure the public’s right to know, combat corruption and undue influence, enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office and promote citizen participation in the public process.
c) Selection of President and Vice-President by Popular Vote.
d) Support efforts to provide information about candidates.

3) Environment
a) Air Quality – Promote measures to reduce pollution from mobile and stationary sources.
b) Water Resources – Support measures to reduce pollution in order to protect surface water, groundwater and drinking water.
c) Waste Management – Promote policies to reduce the generation and promote the reuse and recycling of solid and hazardous wastes.
d) Nuclear Issues – Promote the maximum protection of public and safety and the environment.

4) Meeting Basic Human Needs
a) Child Care - Support programs and policies to expand the supply of affordable, quality child care for all who need it.
b) Early Intervention for Children at Risk – Support policies and programs that promote the well-being, development and safety of all children.
c) Death Penalty –Support abolition of the death penalty.

Rosemary Gary, President
League of Women Voters of Nevada

Thursday, July 14, 2011

State President's Message


First of all, I wish to thank all of you for electing me as your President for the next two years. I will do my best to fill the shoes of Sam King so she can concentrate on only being our lobbyist. She certainly will be a hard act to follow as State President. Please be patient with me as I learn the ropes.
In Sam’s recent message to us, she left us know that the June 17, 2011 was the deadline for the Governor to decide whether he would sign or veto the myriad of bills on his desk; what an awesome task. In all honesty, I don’t know how the legislature expects to wade through all the business of the State of Nevada in a mere forty-five days. I printed out sixty-six pages of bills the Governor signed and was just stunned. Would you not think they would deem it necessary to meet each year?
The League of Women Voters of Nevada focused our concerns within our Four E’s:
1) Elections
2) Education
3) Economy
4) Environment
5) Social Quality of Life Issues including Health Care
Now, let’s see how the legislature faired out with regard to our legislative platform. AB81 and 82 (Elections) supporting campaign finance reform and transparency both passed. AB579 (Education) providing funding for K-12 passed. AB561 (Economy) extended sunset taxes due to expire. AB6 (Social Quality of Life) protecting victims of human trafficking passed. AB211 and SB331 regarding gender equality passed.
My next message will focus on the League of women Voters of the United States legislative priorities.
Rosemary Gary, President
League of Women Voters of Nevada